In order to use Pads with an iOS device, you’ll first need to transfer them. The process is pretty simple:
- Download the Pads to your computer (you can do this one of two ways – download the .zip archive link containing all 12 mp3 Pads files, or download each key file individually). You can find download links in the email you received after purchasing, or if you chose to create an account here at Worship Tutorials, you can find all the files you have purchased in the ‘my account‘ section.
- Add the Pads to a playlist in iTunes
- Sync the playlist to your iOS device
Once the transfer is complete, you’ll find the Pads in your Music app. From here, you can simply play the pads from the Music app, or use various other apps to play the Pads.
Hey Brian while I see getting pads to my ipad and iphone isn’t difficult it took me a while to find support and directions. It would be great if you just put these up front on download page
When I try to load it on my Windows computer it says it’s invalid afterwards what do I do?
Hi Jared – this typically happens when the download does not complete for some reason. If you send in a support request (support link is up at the top of the page), I’ll send you an alternate download link. Thanks!
Iv purchaced the pads , then had an email so went to click onto the link to down load any of them and it can’t do the commands , I’m struggling to get this to work, iv not been able to use them straight threw iTunes , iv watched the video tutural and still can’t get them to work ,and iv been onto a pc and tried downloading too it works but I can only use it in windows mida player , just wish it would have been simpler.
If you could help I’m on an iPad,
thank you
Hi Drew – thanks for purchasing! Have you downloaded the Pads to your computer and then transferred them to your iPad? Unfortunately Apple will not allow direct downloads of these kinds of files, so you have to download to a computer first and then transfer them. If you have done that and you’re still having issues, please send in a support request to (just put ‘can’t download pads’ as the subject). That way I’ll be able to track along with you until we get the problem solved.
As far as I am concerned this stuff is junk and just a way for them to con you out of your money.
Hi Tom – so sorry that the Pads aren’t working properly on your iOS device. I’ve sent you a support email with some alternate download links and further instructions to get them working.
This stuff would be great if it worked.
Just wondering for example if I trigger a Pad in the key of A but then want to change the key to C, will the A Pad fade out while the C pad fades in? Just wondering if it will fade in/out or is there a way I can make it happened.
Phillip, when you’re in the app. Go to the settings, and make sure that fade in/out is turned on. Then when you’re in present mode, you play the key of A pads. Then when you want to switch, you press the square red button and that fades the pads out. Right when you press that button, press the key of C pads play button and it should fade them in when key of A pads ate fading out. I really hope this helps!!!
Hi Philip – I’m pretty sure the stock Music app won’t do the crossfade thing, but if you use the Worship Team Director app, you can crossfade easily. We have a video on how to set it up here
You know it’s interesting that we can’t allow grace for something and for “someone” who is TRYING to help OUR worship experience. As if this one individual and component hang on experiencing God each Sunday morning time of “worship.” I appreciate these pads and am grateful for the use of them.
Keep making great products.
Thanks Andy!
For people having trouble transferring to an iPhone/iPad, you can setup the free Dropbox app on your iPhone and on your PC/Mac, then put the Pads MP3 files into Dropbox. They will show up in the Dropbox app on your phone, and you can play them directly from within Dropbox.
We cant download app in United Kindom…
Hi Martin – the WT Director app isn’t available anymore. I recommend the Soundboard Studio Lite app – I’ve updated this post with info on how to use that one.
Hey guys, am trying to purchase some pads but nothing ever shows up in the cart after I click on the pad that I want. Using an iPad, do I need to use a computer and then transfer.
Hi Larry – sorry for the trouble with the cart page. You may try clearing your cache in your browser. You will need a computer to transfer them to your iPad.
I am having trouble importing the files to itunes. Itunes is open…made a playlist….it says to “edit the playlist” to add songs. I do that drag the list in and nothing happens…
What am I doing wrong??
I have downloaded the pads to my surface pro and I’m trying to transfer them into itunes. I have made a playlist for it but it will not allow me to transfer anything…nothing happens. Help!!
I hope you creat a much better and easier or users friendly app like Drumbeats/Niinebuzz when you click by the tip of your finger boom…all the keys you want to use are all there.
I little bit frustration I can’t still use it and enjoy the $15 taken from my credit card.
I still need my kids to help me figure this out, since they are also busy, it will take few more days of waiting 😩😩😲😲
Able to download main stage pads to iOS computer, however unable to successfully import files to I Tunes with mainstage attached.
Any suggestions?
God bless you and thank you.
Hi guys:
Worship leader, here. Have PADS but no iOS phone. Android user. I’ve got them on my laptop – Next steps?
Thank you!
It someone (someone being me) doesn’t have a computer, but has an iPad, is there a way to use these Pads?