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[tab title=”Song Video”]
I played this song with my friend Alastair Vance.
[tab title=”Tutorial”]
[tab title=”Chord Charts”]
Holy Is The Lord – Chart Kit – Chris Tomlin arrangement
Arrangement: Chris Tomlin – Arriving
Keys included: A, C, D, E, and G (album version is in A)
Listen in iTunes
For a male lead, use keys G or A. For a female lead, use keys C, D, or E.
Chord Chart kits include both Nashville charts and lyric charts in various keys. Your download will be in the form of a .zip file. Extract the file and you will find two folders, ‘Lyric Charts and Nashville Charts’.
Chris Tomlin’s ‘Arriving’ album was full of great worship songs, and Holy Is The Lord is no exception. It’s an easy song to play and I teach it using key of G chords.
thanks man for the Tutorial i’m gona be playing this song for my youth group
You’re welcome! We did it in church today. It’s a great song.
Hey Pal
Thanks for the tutorial. Really helpful but just a few questions.
1. I noticed your 2nd Finger is not in use when playing the D chord?
2. How come you didn’t use the C chord that you were using in the verse in the bridge as well.
I will be practising now though. Thanks again.
By the way, I’m a beginner to forgive me if my questions are awkward.
Hi Richard he was playing a D2 wich is just a variant of the D chord where you lift off the middle finger. You can play this or a normal D chord is fine. Also to answer your second question he was just playing another variant of a C chord just play a normal C if your a beginner.
Hope this helps
can you put the strum pattern down? As in “dduddu” ?
you are a very talented teacher and such a blessing! thank you
Hi there – I just started playing some of your tutorials last Saturday and really like them. I don’t know why, but I can’t figure out the strum pattern you are saying for this song. I have listened several times (begin. guitar player). Is it DD DUDD? or D DUDUDD??
I know you said the strumming pattern was simple but i cant really get it? Can you please write it out with the letters “d” and “u” ???
@Juan Martinez Sure can…
ddD du,ddD du,ddD du,…The “D” are there because you sort of emphasize those downs. Hope that helps!
@Brian Wahl Thank you soo much!
how is the rhythm? please help me
Thank You Brian – I’ve watched your videos lots of time and i like them!!! Be Blessed!
dude i cant stroke the f chord i dont know why help me to have a shortcut chord im a newbie guitarist
im playing with you now some chords i did but some chords in the verse i confused to master
Brian, someone else asked you to write the strumming pattern, but I am not seeing it here or in the chord chart I downloaded. Can you post this for us less than quick learners. Thanks for the lesson and the view of your church.