Learn how to play guitar with our beginner guitar lesson series. This free course will take you from having never played a guitar before to playing full songs. Sign up here.
In this 2nd lesson on finger picking, we’ll go over a more complicated pattern than the initial pattern we learned in part one. [button link=”http://www.worshiptutorials.com/guitar-lessons/finger-picking-introduction-and-your-first-pattern/”]View Part 1 here[/button] The first pattern we learned looks like this: 1 a 2 a 3 a 4 a, 1 a 2 a 3 a 4 a, … T 1…
Finger picking is a great way to play more intimate songs, or if you just want to have a completely different feel from flat picking. In this lesson, you’ll learn the basics of fingerpicking – how to place your hand, which fingers to use and your first basic finger picking pattern. It starts with your…
The F chord is typically the first hard chord that many of us love to hate. You typically play it using a barre chord shape, but there are easier ways to play it. Here is the basic F shape that we’ll use in this lesson: The F Shape How it works The black circle on…
Most of us learned how to play a D chord very early on in our history of playing guitar. You can actually use this shape all over the fretboard to create interesting sounding chords and melodic lead playing. The D Shape How it works The note where your third (ring) finger is on the B…
View all our guitar lessons here Introduction The Key of B is not a super common key to play in – especially on acoustic. Usually you just see people play key of G chords with a capo on the 4th fret or key of A chords with a capo on the 2nd. One of the…
One very cool trick you can use capos for is playing the same song with different key voicings. To illustrate how this works, let’s take the song Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) by Hillsong United. Oceans is in D, so naturally, you can play without a capo in the key of D. But, you can…
In this lesson, Bradford walks through several alternate voicings of common chords in the key of D. These voicings will allow you to move more quickly between chords, and they sound a little more open and natural, especially on acoustic. Standard chords in D Typically, you would play chords in A using these voicings: While…
Trouble with Capos? Download my Capo Cheat Sheet – you’ll never be lost with a capo again! View all our guitar lessons here. Capos are great tools to change the key of a song (without changing the key that you are playing on the guitar). In the first capo lesson, we learned how capos actually…
In this lesson, Bradford walks through several alternate voicings of common chords in the key of A. These voicings will allow you to move more quickly between chords, and they sound a little more open and natural, especially on acoustic. Standard chords in A Typically, you would play chords in A using these voicings: While…
Trouble with Capos? Download my Capo Cheat Sheet – you’ll never be lost with a capo again! To understand how capos work, it first helps to understand the parts of the guitar and how those work. How pitch is determined The string lays across the saddle a the bridge, and then it passes over the…
In this lesson, Bradford and Brian teach you how you can practice making up your own lead guitar parts with a backing track. We have provided a backing track in the key of A, so any notes and series of notes from the A major scale and the F#m pentatonic scales will sound fine with…
View all our guitar lessons here. Want private lessons over Skype from Bradford? Click here to learn more In this lesson, Bradford teaches you how to use the major scale and the minor pentatonic scale to find and learn lead parts in popular worship songs. The songs Whom Shall I Fear and Cornerstone are used as examples.…