Learn how to play guitar with our beginner guitar lesson series. This free course will take you from having never played a guitar before to playing full songs. Sign up here.
View all my guitar lessons here. Want private lessons over Skype from Bradford? Click here to learn more In our previous two lessons, we went over the Major Scale and the Minor Pentatonic Scale. Specifically we learned the A Major scale and the F#m Pentatonic scale. We chose those two scales because F#m is the relative minor…
View all my guitar lessons here. Want private lessons over Skype from Bradford? Click here to learn more The Minor Pentatonic Scale Our previous lesson focused on the major scale. The minor pentatonic scale is the relative minor scale that complements the major scale. In the key of A, F#m is the relative minor. The F# Minor…
View all my guitar lessons here. Want private lessons over Skype from Bradford? Click here to learn more The Major Scale The major scale is a moveable scale that can be played in any key. The root note that you start the scale on determines which key you are playing in. Today’s lesson will focus on the…
View all my guitar lessons here. Want private lessons over Skype? Click here to learn more. 3/4 Time 3/4 time is just like 4/4 time, but there are three beats to a measure instead of four. The three means that there are three beats to one measure, and the four means that a quarter note takes up…
View all my guitar lessons here. Want private lessons over Skype? Click here to learn more. 4/4 Time For today’s lesson, I’ll just stick to 4/4 time – it’s the most common time signature in modern music. The first four means that there are four beats to one measure, and the second four means that a quater…
View all my guitar lessons here. Want private lessons over Skype? Click here to learn more. In this video lesson you’ll learn the four basic barre chord shapes and how to use them to create major and minor chords all over the fretboard. Introduction Barre chords are created by using one finger to press down some or…
View all my guitar lessons here. Want private lessons over Skype? Click here to learn more. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to play guitar chords in the key of C: C, F, G, and Am, as well as a hammer on/off and voicing tricks. Guitar Chords In The Key Of C Diagrams
View all my guitar lessons here. Want private lessons over Skype? Click here to learn more. In the Part 1 of this lesson, we learned how to play the chords E, A, B, and C#m. In this lesson, we’ll learn different voicings of E, A, and B. The two basic shapes
View the lesson index here In this lesson, I go over the standard voicings that I use to play E, A, B, and C#m. If you are brand new to playing guitar, check out my first lesson where I go over how to read chord diagrams, how to hold a guitar, and how to play your first…
View the all the basic guitar lessons here This is the 3rd lesson in my basics of guitar series. In the first lesson, we learned how to hold the guitar, how to read chord diagrams, and how to play our first chord, the D chord. The second lesson covered the main chords used in the key of G: G, C,…
View the all the basic guitar lessons here This is the 3rd lesson in my basics of guitar series. In the first lesson, we learned how to hold the guitar, how to read chord diagrams, and how to play our first chord, the D chord. The second lesson covered the main chords used in the key of G:…
View the all the basic guitar lessons here This is the 2nd lesson in my basics of guitar series. In the first lesson, we learned how to hold the guitar, how to read chord diagrams, and how to play our first chord, the D chord. In this lesson, you’ll learn the four most used chords…