One Thing Remains – Jesus Culture – Resource Page
Great song from Jesus Culture.
Instructional videos on how to play songs
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Great song from Jesus Culture.
This song is in C on the album, but I prefer to play it in B using a capo on the 4th fret and key of G chords.
The title track from Hillsong’s God Is Able album is a great song that is pretty easy to learn and play. We play/teach it using key of G chords.
[tabs style=”boxed”] [tab title=”Song Videos”] [/tab] [tab title=”Tutorial”] [/tab] [/tabs]
You Never Let Go is a great song from Matt Redman about the unchanging nature of God. One of Redman’s best known songs.
Charts: Key of G (capo) Key of B Key of A (capo) Key of Bb
MP3 Download Charts: Key of D
Always has remained one of my favorite songs to come from any of the Passion albums. It’s pretty easy to play as well.
How to play Revelation Song by Kari Jobe (written by Jennie Lee Riddle). Tutorial, song patches, and more
[tabs style=”boxed”] [tab title=”Song Video”] [/tab] [tab title=”Tutorial”] [/tab] [/tabs]
Charts: Key of G Key of A
Chris Tomlin’s ‘Arriving’ album was full of great worship songs, and Holy Is The Lord is no exception. It’s an easy song to play and I teach it using key of G chords.