Hosanna is an older song (from 2007) written by Brooke Fraser. It remains one of Hillsong’s most popular songs ever, and is still and awesome song to put into your worship services. It seems to never get old. We have tutorials and song videos in both E (album version) and G (male lead version)
This Is Amazing Grace is a great song written by Phil Wickham, Jeremy Riddle, and Josh Farro. It works well as an opener, or as a 2nd song after a higher energy opener. Very singable and easy to learn as well.
Cornerstone – Hillsong Live resources. Includes tutorial video, chord charts, strumming patterns, chord diagrams, and song video.
This song is featured on Tomlin’s Burning Lights album and features an awesome rap by Lecrae. The subject of Lecrae’s rap comes straight from Ezekiel 37:1-14 (Valley of Dry Bones), and it fits well with the song as a whole. If you can pull off the rap, it’s a very, very cool element to put in your worship services. If not, you can easily shorten the rap section and make it an instrumental section if you’d like.
In this tutorial, Fuller walks through how to play the Worship Tutorials version of Man of Sorrows. Buy the Song This tutorial follows our arrangement, which you can preview and purchase below. [fourcol_three][/fourcol_three] [fourcol_one_last][button link=”http://www.worshiptutorials.com/worship-tutorials-studios/?add-to-cart=11464″]Add to Cart ($0.99)[/button] [button link=”https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/man-of-sorrows/id1136964823?i=1136964868″ size=”small” window=”yes”]Buy from iTunes ($0.99)[/button] [button link=”http://www.worshiptutorials.com/product/man-of-sorrows-feat-fuller/” size=”small”]More buying options[/button] [/fourcol_one_last] [divider] Chords We are…
Man of Sorrows is a great song for Easter, spanning both the death and resurrection of Christ.
This song is covered by several artists, but the Matt Maher version is probably my favorite. Very congregational song.
This song is a ton of fun to play and a great opener. Four chords on repeat the whole way through.
The Anthem can feel difficult at first due to the number of chords, the bass walk-ups, and the key change, but once you get all the progressions down, it’s not too bad. This is one of the most powerful songs out there now.
The hugely popular Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) by Hillsong United. This song can be hard to pull off. It’s slow, it has some strange chord progression changes, and it’s really long. You need lots of dynamics. I’ve broken it down in both the original album key (D), and the key of G, which works for a male lead.
Glorious Ruins has to be one of my favorite Hillsong songs – it’s such a powerful song to sing and lead. On the album it’s in the key of F, and we teach/play this song using key of D chords with a capo on the 3rd fret.
I play/teach this one using key of G chords with a capo on the 4th fret.