You’re Beautiful – Phil Wickham – Resource Page
Resources for ‘You’re Beautiful’ by Phil Wickham
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Resources for ‘You’re Beautiful’ by Phil Wickham
The Stand has a great bridge that serves as sort of the anthem of the whole song. One of Hillsong’s best songs ever in my opinion.
Resources for ‘The Time Has Come’ by Hillsong
Happy Day works well as an opener or anywhere you need an upbeat song. I teach this song using key of G chords with a capo on the 4th fret, which makes it in the open key of B.
Resources for While Flag by Chris Tomlin
[tabs style=”boxed”] [tab title=”Song Video”] [/tab] [tab title=”Tutorial”] Tempo: 70bpm Time Signature: 4/4 Chord diagrams: [/tab] [/tabs] These videos and resources are based on the arrangement by Chris Tomlin from the Passion: OneDay Live album
[tabs style=”boxed”] [tab title=”Song Video”] [/tab] [tab title=”Tutorial”] [/tab] [tab title=”Chord Charts”] [/tab] [/tabs]
Learn how to play You Won’t Relent using our tutorial videos and resources
[tabs style=”boxed”] [tab title=”Song Videos”] [/tab] [tab title=”Tutorial”] [/tab] [/tabs] Buy this song (BandCamp)
10,000 Reasons became one of the most popular worship songs in the church the moment it was released. It’s a very singable song with great lyrical content.
Chord charts, tutorial video, song video and more for Forever Reign by Hillsong Worship