Tips for Creating an Awesome Set List
In This Episode, Brian and Fuller Talk About How to Plan Your Set Lists. We Will Discuss Song Selection, Transitions, & More.
DetailsIn This Episode, Brian and Fuller Talk About How to Plan Your Set Lists. We Will Discuss Song Selection, Transitions, & More.
DetailsToday’s Worship Leader Wednesday episode is really all about humility. One thing all great leaders do is raise up other leaders. At the heart of the Great Commission is the idea of raising others up. As worship leaders, we should be raising up the next generation of worship leaders on our teams.
DetailsYou hear us talking about vision often here at Worship Tutorials. We believe that vision is vitally important to our ministries, and we even read in the Bible, “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Prov. 29:18).
DetailsIn this episode of Worship Leader Wednesday, Fuller and Brian talk about how to approach the ‘Last Minute Pastor’. What do you do as a worship leader when your pastor consistently asks you to change songs (or other elements of the music portion of the service) at the last minute?
DetailsLearn to play and lead ‘King of Kings’ by Hillsong Worship with our song videos, tutorials, and resources.
DetailsIn this video, Fuller shares with us the process he’s developed at our church to on-board volunteers. In other words, how do you go from knowing a person is interested in joining the worship team to actually serving on Sundays.
DetailsIn this video Fuller and Brian discuss why it’s important to have multiple lead vocalists on your worship team.
DetailsIn this video Fuller and Brian cover some basic ‘big-picture’ ideas to consider when thinking about rehearsals as well as a detailed rehearsal structure that you can implement in your church. We pray that this helps you and your teams at your church build community and effectively prepare for Sunday services.
DetailsIn this video Fuller and Brian talk about why you should be having rehearsals at your church.
DetailsIn this video Brian and Fuller talk about five of their favorite worship songs right now.
DetailsBuilding and leading teams is probably the most important roll you have as a worship leader. In this video, Fuller and Brian talk about what is holding many worship leaders and ministries back from recruiting new musicians.