2RCK 12-65B – Cab IR Pack
IR (Impulse Response) Cabs made from a Two Rock 1×12 Open Back Cab with 12-65B speaker
IR (Impulse Response) Cabs made from a Two Rock 1×12 Open Back Cab with 12-65B speaker
Our Lightning is a 15w 2×10 combo that reminds us of a great sounding AC15, but with Matchless’s distinct top end brilliance and chime. It will go from beautiful chimey cleans to awesome overdriven tones, and handles effects extremely well. A pair of Matchless Special Design G10 speakers give this amp some serious midrange punch as well.
he Classic Reverb Signature is a 100w amplifier that sounds like the a very big (and very expensive) Fender. The cleans are deep and lush, reminiscent of the greatest of the black-panel Fenders. This amp is the pre-cursor to the John Mayer signature, and works very well as a clean pedal platform.
The Bloomfield Drive is a 100w amplifier is extremely touch sensitive and capable of beautifully rich harmonic overdrive. We’ve set this one up a little dirtier (where this amp comes alive), but you can get very nice clean tones by rolling the volume back a bit on your guitar – go old school.
The TS1 is Two Rock’s homage to the legendary Dumble Overdrive Special amplifier. It is a 100 watt beast of an amp that can go from rich, deep cleans to some of the best amp overdrive we’ve ever heard. The clean and lead channels cascade into one another, allowing for a wide variety of tonal options.
The Goldfinger Super Lead has become one of our absolute favorite amps at Worship Tutorials. It features two channels – the Alpha (clean) channel and the Omega (dirty) channel. The Alpha channel reminds us of a vintage black-panel Fender amp, but with more midrange, and the Omega channel is one of the best Marshall Plexi tones we’ve ever heard in any amplifier.
Seven new patches based on the Line 6 HX Firmware 3.70 release
IR (Impulse Response) Cabs made from a ’94 Sampson-era Matchless S/C30 loaded with a Matchless Special Design Celestion Vintage 30 speaker.
IR (Impulse Response) Cabs made from a Bad Cat Cub ii R 2×10 amplifier. This amp came loaded with a pair of Celestion G10L-35 10″ speakers. These speakers pair very well with smaller wattage EL84 based amps.
The Badger 30 is an amp inspired by classic British (think: Marshall) designs. Like a JTM45 or lower wattage Plexi, it is capable of beautiful rich clean tones to vintage crunch, but with a bit more top end chime. It also works very well as a pedal platform amp.
IR (Impulse Response) Cabs made from a George Alessandro re-built Fender ’65 Deluxe Reverb. These amps come loaded with an Alessandro GA-SC64 speaker. These speakers are designed to sound like vintage speakers found in 60’s Fender amplifiers.