Instructional videos on how to play songs

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Unstoppable God – Elevation Worship – Resources

Unstoppable God is a great upbeat song by Elevation Worship from the Wake Up The Wonder album. I really like the lyrics in this one, and the half-time groove in the chorus is a lot of fun. We use this one as an opener or anywhere we want a high energy song. Includes acoustic song video with chords, tutorial video for acoustic guitar, diagrams, strumming patterns, and more.

Salvation’s Tide – Passion (Kristian Stanfill) – Resources

Salvation’s Tide is the title track from the Passion Salvation’s Tide Is Rising album, and it has a great hook in the chorus – very singable. It can be a bit difficult to sing because the verses are so much lower than the chorus, but that also gives it a nice lift.

In our resources we’ve shown how to play the song using key of G chords, but with a capo on the 4th fret, which is the open key of B. The original on the album is actually in C, which is one half-step higher. I find that C is pretty high for most male vocalists.