Kemper Profile Packs & Performances

Our Kemper Profile packs and Performances deliver the incredible tone of classic tube amps to your Kemper.

Each Kemper Profile pack includes options for single coil and humbucker guitars with the amps dialed in just right. We also include performances for each pack as well as effects layouts in the profiles themselves, so they’re ready for the stage immediately.

Download our free Sample Profile & Performance pack here (Tyler HM30 Jumpered channel).


Our profile packs are made in-house from our own collection of amps, microphones, and preamps. Each pack focusses on a single amp, giving you all our favorite tones from the amp dailed in for both single coils and humbuckers. We also include performances from the profiles to get you up and running quickly. Works with the Kemper Head + Remote and Stage.


Our Kemper Performances are centered around a single amp, and use just a handful of profiles from that amp (you get a lot more profiles with our full profile packs). We include a performance dialed in for both single coils and humbuckers. If you want a single go-to performance for each amp without all the extra profiles, our performance packs are for you. Works with the Kemper Head + Remote and Stage.


Our Kemper Song Performances get you the tones from the album recordings at the press of a button. Works with the Kemper Head + Remote and Stage.
